There may be a very good reason for this that I haven't determined but
this keeps catching me - I don't really expect 'make clean' to be deleting
files that I have deliberately made:

---        Mon Mar 18 07:06:35 2002
+++ Mon Mar 18 07:08:26 2002
@@ -425,7 +425,6 @@
        $(RM_F) examples/assembly/mops$(O) examples/assembly/mops.pbc
        $(RM_F) examples/mops/mops$(O) examples/mops/mops${exe}
        $(RM_RF) blib
-       $(RM_F) *~
        cd docs && $(MAKE) clean && cd ..
        cd classes && $(MAKE) clean && cd ..
        cd languages && $(MAKE) clean && cd ..
@@ -434,6 +433,7 @@
        $(RM_F) t/op/*.pasm t/op/*.pbc t/op/*.out

 realclean: clean
+       $(RM_F) *~
        $(RM_F) $(STICKY_FILES)


Jonathan Stowe                      |
<>          |      This space for rent

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