Currently, calling string_make(interp, NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL), as is done by,
for example "new P0, PerlString", calls Parrot_allocate with a required
allocation of zero, which gets converted to 16; a 16-byte buffer is hence
allocated, and its address placed in bufstart. However, buflen will still be
zero, therefore the block will be discarded as soon as any actual content is
assigned to the string.

Parrot_go_collect uses a slightly different rounding rule, and will allocate
zero bytes to a zero-length buffer; the current allocation address will be
placed in bufstart, but the same address will be used for the next buffer

Would it be sensible to define 'buflen=0, bufused=0, bufstart=NULL' as a
valid null string? This would impact on any code that assumes bufstart to be
valid. If not, are there any other suggestions for ways to avoid this
proliferation of useless blocks, or should we just let them be created and

Peter Gibbs
EmKel Systems

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