Hopefully that'll get your attention.

In the interests of accomplishing something this millennium, I'm
planning to tag version 0.0.5 at some time around 12:01am EST Monday,
April 15. I'll be watching mail up until the deadline, so if nobody
complains, Monday evening I'll run the test suites and if it's fit for
release, do so. Of course, running the test suites for the first time on
all platforms will have unexpected issues, so I'm simply going to say
that the release should be done before the end of the week.

What, the logic behind this release? Primarily the need to show off a
fast and reasonably bug-free interpreter, depending upon what areas you
stray into. We have a new language targeted to our runtime, showing off
flexibility. Garbage collection without a significant impact on runtime
speed is a major selling point as well.

On the downside we're still missing support for Unicode and keyed
aggregates, two of the things I'd hoped would be in this release. Dan
and I are still talking about some fine points in the assembler and
macro syntax (yes, there will still be macro support, contrary to what I
believe Simon stated.)

The upshot of which is keyed aggregates *will* be in the next release,
and we'll be updating the roadmap to reflect this state of affairs. Keep
watching dev.perl.org for more updates.

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