> I would like an elegant, easy to use solution for making the GC
> play nicely.

So would we all. :)

> This creates a sliding scope window that GC must not peep through,
> and provides a clean interface for internals writers.

I think you've explained this idea before, but I complained about it
because I thought that the bottom_gen never got set to top_gen, and
figured a lot of stuff would end up permanently allocated.

Now that I see how it works, it seems to make a lot of sense. Problems
with your approach:

GC-sensitive functions must remember to mark themselves as critical.
This will be a source of bugs (whether that's a big enough of a
complaint is up for debate. ;)

Most vtable methods, and/or people that call vtable methods, will end up
making themselves critical. This overhead will be imposed on most function
calls, etc. Lots of the string api will require the users to mark
themselves as critical.

> Lets hammer this one design issue out for good because I'm tired of worrying
> about it and I think its hindering current Parrot developers and
> confusing potential newcomers.

> If it is not what I propose, lets at least discuss alternatives.

If I remember correctly, this did get hammered out with a directive from
Dan. ;)

His approach was:
the live flag is valid only within GC.
all newly-allocated headers are marked as uncollectable
there is a clear-uncollectable op, which iterates over the headers, and
  marks them all as collectable
Basically, you need to have assigned all your headers to something
traceable by the root set before your current op ends.

The advantages of this are that nobody needs to worry about the GC
implications of their code.

The disadvantage are:
- very expensive ops can allocate lots of uncollectable headers?
- you must explicitly allow for marking headers as collectable in your
opcode, at strategically placed locations. otherwise, nothing gets
collected and you have no dod results, although collection will still
occur normally.

Any other contenders to the ring? Anyone have any other major
dis/advantages they'd like to contribute about the above approaches?

FWIW, I feel confident enough about my understanding of Dan's idea to
implement that, should we choose it. Melvin's idea would require that
much more work on the multitude of functions, and so I can't imagine it
being as easy to implement. :)

Mike Lambert

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