On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 04:57:01AM -0700, Brent Dax wrote:
> I assume the lack of mentions of Buffers are an oversight.

Right.  It would be great if there was only one kind of parrot objects...

> #   (5)  do not nest function calls
> #        (for instance, "e = string_concat (string_concat(a, b), c);"
> #         would be forbidden)
> I don't understand the reasoning behind (5).  Would you care to
> elaborate?

Actually, the example I give is safe.  But consider:

   e = string_concat (string_concat(a, b), string_concat(c,d));

Let us assume that the argument of the functions are evaluated
rightmost first.  Then, the return value of "string_concat(a, b)" is
not "rooted" anywhere when "string_concat(c,d)" is executed.  So, it
will be wrongly freed by the GC if a collection occurs at this

> The macros don't really need a Parrot_ prefix, do they?

Right, you can use whatever name you prefer.

-- Jerome

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