Hey all,

After finding out that life.pasm only does maybe 1KB per collection, and
Sean reminding me that there's more to GC than life, I decided to create
some pasm files testing specific behaviors.

Attached is what I've been using to test and compare running times for
different GC systems. It's given a list of builds of parrot, a list of
tests to run, and runs each four times and takes the sum of them as the
value for that test. Then it prints out a simple table for comparing the
results. It's not really robust or easily workable in a CVS checkout
(since it operates on multiple parrot checkouts).

Included are five tests of certain memory behaviors. They are:

allocates more and more memory
checks collection speed, and the ability to grow the heap

allocates more memory, but discards the old
checks collection speed, and the ability to reclaim the heap

allocates more and more headers
checks DOD speed, and the ability to allocate new headers

allocates more headers, but discards the old
checks DOD speed, and the ability to pick up old headers

total headers (contain no data) allocated is wave-like
no data, so collection is not tested
tests ability to handle wavelike header usage pattersn

buffer data (pointed to by some headers) is wave-like
a few headers, so some DOD is tested
mainly tests ability to handle wavelike buffer usage patterns

total headers (and some memory) allocated is wave-like
sort of a combination of the previous two
each header points to some data, so it tests the collectors
  ability to handle changing header and small-sized memory usage

me trying to simulate behavior which should perform exceptionally
  well under a genertaional collector, even though we don't have one :)
each memory allocation lasts either
  a long time, a medium time, or a short time

Please let me know if there are any other specific behaviors which could
use benchmarking to help compare every aspect of our GCs? Real-world
programs are too hard to come by. :) Results of the above test suite on my
machine comparing my local GC work and the current parrot GC are coming

Mike Lambert

PS: If you get bouncing emails from me because my email server is down, I
apologize, and I do know about it. My email server is behind cox's
firewall which prevents port 25 access. It should be relocated and online
again in a few days.

Attachment: gc_bench.zip
Description: gc_bench.zip

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