At 06:07 PM 6/1/2002 -0400, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> >>>>> "MS" == Melvin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>MS> FYI, Cola breaks with the new assembler. I think this is for 2
>MS> reasons, multiple labels and not allowing _ in label names. Kevin
>MS> posted a couple of patches which fix the breakage, but I'm not
>MS> sure sticking noop in there is the correct fix for dup labels.
>Any thoughts on what to do instead of the noop?
>It definitely isn't the best thing to do, but other parts of the
>assembler expect to be able to yank an instruction out of the data
>structure and run it.  The other option I guess is to fix the part of
>the assembler which scans for and removes labels, but I couldn't get
>that to work reliably.

I think your quick fix is fine; I expect we should merge adjacent labels,
but I was leaving that up to Jeff. At least I can use your patch to run
my programs. :)

>And yes, cola was my test language to fix these things.

I think I'll probably fix this in the backend (imcc) soon so as
not to emit multiple labels.

We should probably be testing the assembler with Cola and
Jako, since the plain pasm samples are probably not typical
enough of compiler generated code.


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