On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Jerome Vouillon wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 04:59:05PM -0400, Melvin Smith wrote:
> > The hole I see is not having a Perl6 grammar to toss about.
> > You must sift through the apoc/exe pile to formulate it. Regardless of
> > which approach is taken, I'd like to see a BNF style grammar floating around
> > before we talk tools.
> I have started writing a Perl 6 grammar:
>     http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~vouillon/parrot/parser.y
> It is far from complete, and certainly not very accurate, but it may
> be a good start.

You beat me to it. I was going to start just about now.

Anyway it looks nice, and should be able to parse some perl6. I didn't 
notice any hyperoperators (^+, ^*, ^@&Z*#:*) in your grammar, but I didn't 
look that closely.  One thing that I'm pondering is how to do the 
{ $^foo } thing.  We need to detect that somehow other than an 
infinite-token lookahead.  

'Course, with my mad context-free skill (HA!), I'd know exactly what's 
easy, right??  Someone who knows more what their doing, is there a 
semi-easy way to detect this?

> -- Jerome

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