Sunday 21 July 2002 21:34, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> No. They are not. You're missing the important case where the data
> structure is inherently and intrinsically multidimensional.
>    my int Array @foo : dimensions(3);
>    @foo[1;2;3] = 12;
> Or whatever the syntax is in perl to declare a 3D array and access
> the element at (1,2,3).

In my opinion, there are actually two different things to dicuss:

- keyed opcodes 
- keyed methods on the PMC vtable

You can keep keyed opcodes, without actually implementing the keyed 
methods. Actually, ALL our keyed methods look like:

... stuff to get the value of SELF[key] into VALUE..

Puting this code into the opcode, and removing the vtable methods 
(except get_keyed_*), shouldn't make it slower at all IMHO (same job 
being done, in the same way. The same number (two) of vtable calls). 

Keyed opcodes can stay in the interest of code density. 

> No. Keyed access for all methods stays. You're forgetting one very
> important case, the one where the contents of an aggregate isn't a
> PMC. This scheme would then require the aggregate PMC to construct
> fake PMCs to do operations on. Bad, definitely bad.

Is really so bad? As long that what is ultimately stored in the 
aggregate is one of our base types (pmc, int, string, float), the 
opcode shouldn't need to build the fake PMC.

Or, ¿are you talking about multi-dimensional PMCs? I don't see why 
these should need to build fake PMCs: you just call the get_keyed 
method, and it will do the Right Thing (probably getting the value 
directly, maybe propagating a portion of the key to a inner PMC).

As I said, there should no be any speed cost at all, and a significant 
improvement on code size. But this is only an opinion. I am willing 
to submit a benchmarking patch if it has some interest.



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