Nicholas Clark:
# On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 11:46:34AM -0700, Scott Walters wrote:
# > Perl 5 runs *awesome* on a 486/25. Java (Kaffe) is completely 
# > unusable.
# > AWT windows come up in a matter of *days*, whereas a Tk 
# window comes up 
# > in about 45 seconds. On a fast computer, these things are 
# blurred. The point 
# > is, you can thrash your system on a faster computer, but 
# register renaming, a 
# > large L2 cache, lots of disc bandwidth to thrash with etc 
# obscured the fact 
# > that you are wasting resources horribly.
# perl builds damn fine on a K5/133 with 16M of RAM.
# parrot now takes 4 hours in swap hell to compile the computed 
# goto ops.

You can pass Configure a flag to disable computed goto (--cgoto=0), but
that won't help if you still want the functionality.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

He who fights and runs away wasted valuable running time with the

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