On Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 11:22:16AM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> How come there is abs_i_i to put the absolute value of $2 into $1, but there's
> no abs_i to convert $1 to absolute?
> I can write more a efficient implementation of abs_i, because I don't need to
> store the value back if it's already >=0. If the parrot assembler had the
> option of writing out abs I$foo rather than abs I$foo, I$foo then things will
> go slightly faster (and I suspect on all platforms, including interpreted
> platforms)

similarly or_i_i_i exists, but not or_i_i (logical or)
or_i_i doesn't need to write back to $1 if $1 is already true.

Nicholas Clark
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