At 05:44 PM 8/21/2002 -0400, John Porter wrote:
>The outstanding question is, "Is imcc a part of the parrot system?"
>When compiler writers target parrot, do we really want them to target imcc?
>I have a feeling some of you would answer "yes" to that question all too

My answer is "yes", not because I dictate anything, but because I would
direct people to the fastest path. People that want to duplicate effort are
welcome here too.

I can also foresee that people might not like the C implementation, so once
they bootstrap a compiler, they may wish to write imcc out of the picture. I
for one am not happy with the current speed of Perl for compiling or
assembling, so I wish to stick with C.

At some point, I hope to finish a C# like language for Parrot at which time
I hope to write a LALR generator in that language and reimplement the compiler
completely in pure Parrot, including imcc.

>blithely.  But I don't see imcc mentioned in the PDD's.
>Heck, pasm itself is little more than a "possible variation";
>the PDD's strongly imply that the perl6 compiler will compile directly
>to parrot bytecode.

imcc is part of a toolkit, as I see it. It is there to make your life easier.
Why not invest in it?


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