On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 08:26:20AM -0700, Brent Dax wrote:
> David Chan:
> # I'm using a Pentium 200 (well, Cyrix actually) with 32 MB of 
> # RAM, gcc 2.95.4, linux 2.2.17 and parrot out of CVS.  Without 
> # swap, when I do "make", compiling core_ops_cg.c fails due to 
> # lack of memory.  Which is unsurprising, as it is pretty big.  
> # It works if I use a 70 MB swap partition.
> The computed-goto core (in core_ops_cg.c) can't be split.

But as Brent explained to me in an e-mail a while back
( http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg11197.html )

  You can pass Configure a flag to disable computed goto (--cgoto=0)

ie run Configure.pm as

  ./Configure.pl --cgoto=0

You don't need to build the computed goto core to have a working parrot.
There are other (slightly slower at run time) cores it also builds.

Nicholas Clark

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