On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 12:07:57AM -0700, Steve Fink wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 09:19:45PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 12:09:54AM +0000, Simon Glover wrote:
> > >  Here's a brief test for the PMC, PMC, PMC form of the sprintf op;
> > >  as an added bonus, it also tests two of the formats not previously
> > >  tested (%b and %o).
> > 
> > Thanks, applied
> Can you (and everyone else) also update RT when applying patches? The
> process, as I understand it, is:

Thanks for this clear explanation of the process. I knew I was supposed to
do "something" but it was never quite clear what.

> 3. If the patch has a ticket number associated with it, find it in the
> list at <http://www.parrotcode.org/openpatches>. Click on the
> appropriate ticket link.

I found the search by patch number can be useful when the patch number
isn't obviously in the list of recent open patches

> To explain the comment in #2 -- currently, RT helpfully re-opens a
> ticket if there is further discussion after the ticket is closed
> (resolved). So if you do the RT stuff first, and then send a "Thanks,
> applied" message to the list, Mr. RT_System will reset the status to
> "Open". Robert's going to disable this eventually, but he is currently
> laboring under the misconception that his life involves a purpose
> other than maintaining software for Parrot. I'm sure he'll return to
> insanity soon, but even then he has some other stuff to get to first.

Well, he has been very helpful in getting


up and fixing my content errors.

Nicholas Clark
INTERCAL better than perl?      http://www.perl.org/advocacy/spoofathon/

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