# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch 
# Please include the string:  [perl #18745]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=18745 >

This config test looks if the fucomip instruction is available.

Question is, should this test be in auto/jit, or do we want some more 
general config structure for checking the availibility of various 
processor features?


-- attachment  1 ------------------------------------------------------
url: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/attach/43191/34483/8ef188/LEO.diff

--- parrot/config/auto/jit.pl   Wed Oct 23 11:35:49 2002
+++ parrot-leo/config/auto/jit.pl       Fri Nov 29 11:02:11 2002
@@ -83,6 +83,17 @@
       jit_h       => '$(INC)/jit.h',
       jit_o       => 'jit$(O) jit_cpu$(O)'
+    # test for some instructions
+    if ($jitcpuarch eq 'i386') {
+      cc_gen('config/auto/jit/test_c.in');
+      eval { cc_build(); };
+      unless ($@ || cc_run() !~ /ok/) {
+       Configure::Data->set(
+         jit_i386 => 'fcomip'
+       );
+      }
+    }
   else {
--- parrot/config/auto/jit/test_c.in    Fri Nov 29 11:06:35 2002
+++ parrot-leo/config/auto/jit/test_c.in        Fri Nov 29 10:59:52 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * test for the fcomip float instruction
+ */
+ * c equiv:
+  int t(int i, int j) {
+  return (double)i == (double)j;
+/* this code leaves one op on the fp stack, but this shouldn't harm */
+char code[] = {
+   0x55,                 /* pushl %ebp */
+   0x89,0xE5,            /* movl %esp,%ebp */
+   0x83,0xEC,0x18,       /* subl $24,%esp */
+   0xDB,0x45,0x08,       /* fildl 8(%ebp) */
+   0xDB,0x45,0x0C,       /* fildl 12(%ebp)*/
+   0xDF,0xE9,            /* fucomip */
+   0x0F,0x94,0xC0,       /* sete %al */
+   0x31,0xD2,            /* xorl %edx,%edx */
+   0x88,0xC2,            /* movb %al,%dl */
+   0x89,0xD0,            /* movl %edx,%eax */
+   0x89,0xEC,            /* movl %ebp,%esp */
+   0x5D,                 /* popl %ebp */
+   0xC3                  /* ret */
+typedef int (*pf)(int, int);
+int main()
+  pf t  = (pf) code;
+  if (t(10,10) && !t(10,20))
+    puts("ok");
+  else
+    return 1;
+  return 0;

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