>Would it also be your job to do porting of subversion to VMS, so that we
>could consider replacing CVS with something that lets clients do directory
>moves? :-)

Sadly, no.  :)

But I can tell you that I am actively investigating the use of
subversion for future use on perl.org projects.  We're starting to use
it for some of our web stuff, and generally liking it a lot.  It still
has some rough edges, but when it's finished will be very very cool. 
>PS No I'm not serious about it being your job. But following a chat on IRC
>   it seems that the most obvious thing which immediately rules out subversion
>   for parrot purposes is that (currently) it would not seem to work on VMS.
>   More subtle reasons not to use it may become apparent if/when that one is
>   solved. Special VMS tuits ("TUITS" ?) appear to be even less common than
>   common-or-garden tuits.

I know that Dan is a big VMS fan, and I know I'm opening a can of
worms by saying this, but VMS is at the bottom of the "Major Systems
we need to support" list.  When subversion is ready, if VMS is the
only roadblock, then workarounds can be found for that platform.


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