The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030112
    ... and we're back. Yup, it's summary time again. We'll dive straight in
    with perl6-internals (as if you expected anything else).

  More thoughts on DOD
    Leopold Tötsch posted a test program showing the effects of PMC size and
    timing of garbage collection and allocation and suggested ways of
    improving the GC system based on the conclusions he drew from its
    results. Leo, Dan and Mitchell N Charity discussed this further and
    tried a few different approaches to try and improve performance (though
    Mitchell did worry about premature optimization). Work in this area is

  The Perl 6 Parser
    Dan asked about the current state of the Perl 6 parser, wanting to know
    what was and wasn't implemented and wondered about adding the Perl 6
    tests into the standard parrot test suite. Sean O'Rourke and Joseph F.
    Ryan both gave a summaries of where things stood. Joseph also suggested
    a few refactorings of the parser to deal with the fluidity of the
    current spec (almost all the operators have changed symbols since the
    parser was first written for instance).

  LXR - Source code indexing
    Last week I said that Robert Spier had 'started work on getting a
    browseable, cross referenced version of the Parrot source up on'. What actually happened was that Robert asked Zach Lipton to
    do the work. This week Zach delivered the goods which, I must say, look

    I'm sure that if someone were to extend LXR so it had a better
    understanding of .pasm, .pmc, .ops and other special Parrot source types
    then the community would be very grateful indeed. I know I would. -- Announcement

  Thoughts on infant mortality
    Piers Cawley offered what he thought might be a new approach to dealing
    with the infant mortality problem which got efficiently shot down by Leo
    Tötsch. Which led to further discussion of possible answers, and it
    looks like Leo's proposed solution involving a small amount of code
    reordering and early anchoring will be the one that's tried next. All
    being well it won't require walking the C stack and hardware register
    set, which can only be a good thing.

    Later on, Leo asked if it'd be okay to check in his work so far on
    redoing the GC because he was up to 15 affected files and was starting
    to worry about integration hell. Steve Fink wasn't sure about one of his
    changes, so Leo checked everything else in.

  Objects, finally (try 1)
    Last week I mentioned that Leon Brocard's wishlist for the next Parrot
    iteration included Objects. This week Dan posted his first draft of what
    Parrot Objects would and wouldn't be able to do. The eleventh entry on
    Dan's list (Objects are all orange) seemed to be custom made to please
    Leon. There was a fair amount of discussion (of course), but the
    consensus was positive.

  The benchmarking problem
    Nicholas Clark crossposted to p5p and perl6-internals to discuss the
    problems of benchmarking parrot against perl 5. One of parrot's aims is,
    of course, to go faster than perl 5. The problem is, how do you measure
    'faster'? Nicholas has been working on making perl 5 go faster and was
    distressed to find out that using 'perlbench' a patch of his went 5%
    faster, 1% slower, 0% and 1% faster, depending on what machine/compiler
    combination he ran the benchmark on. Leo Tötsch commented that he'd
    found performance varying by over 50% in a JIT test, depending on the
    position of a loop in memory. Andreas Koenig commented that he'd come to
    the conclusion that bugs in glibc meant that there was little point in
    benchmarking Perl at all if it was built with a glibc older than version
    2.3 (apparently malloc/free proved to be gloriously erratic...) I'm
    afraid not much was actually resolved though.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
    The discussion of Variable types vs Value types continued from the
    previous week. Dan opined that Arrays weren't necessarily objects, which
    brought forth squawks from Piers Cawley who pointed out that being able
    to do:

       class PersistentList is Array { 
           method FETCH ($index) { 

    would be much nicer than tying a value in the Perl 5ish fashion. Dan
    reckoned that delegation would probably be enough which, IMHO seemed to
    miss the point. Various other people chimed in to, essentially, tell Dan
    that he was wrong, but I'm not sure Dan agreed with them.

    Meanwhile, in a subthread sprouting lower on the thread tree, Damian
    pointed out that there were two types associated with any Perl variable,
    the 'storage type' and the 'implementation type' (see his post for
    details, but essentially the storage type is the type associated with
    the contents of a variable and the implementation type is the type of
    the 'thing' that does the storing (usually one of SCALAR, HASH or ARRAY
    -- ie, related to the variable's sigil) specifying a different
    implementation type will probably be how Perl 6 does tying.)

  Array Questions
    In a thread that spilt over from the previous discussion about whether
    arrays were objects or not, Michael Lazzaro put up a list of example
    usages that seem to imply rather strongly that arrays are either objects
    or indistinguishable from them and there was general muttering that
    being able to overload tied Perl containers in this way was a neat way
    of implementing tie semantics. Mr Nobody attempted to restart the left
    to right versus right to left argument all over again. There was also
    some discussion of the sickness of "my Foo @foo is Foo" (which, in Perl
    5ish parlance creates a tied array (using Foo as the tying class) which
    can only contain objects in class Foo.) Damian agreed that this was
    definitely sick, and that he for one would be making use of it.

  L2R/R2L syntax
    Argh! No! It's back and this time it means business. The dreaded
    left->right versus right->left thing came back, and this time it was
    Damian applying the electrodes to the corpse. Of course, it being Damian
    he was instantly forgiven as he came up with the very cool, very low
    precedence "~>" and "<~" operators, allowing you to write

       @out = @a ~> grep {...} ~> map {...} ~> sort;

    Which is, to these eyes at least, lovely. See Damian's post for the full
    details. The general response to this was definitely on the 'lovely'
    side of the balance, though one detractor did induce a sense of humour
    failure on Damian's part. There was also a certain amount of discussion
    about whether this was exactly the right syntax to go with the
    semantics, but where would perl6-language be without a great deal of
    syntactic quibbling? (A good deal easier to summarize). The most popular
    alternatives were "|>" and "<|". There was also a certain amount of
    discussion of what I can only describe as 'evil' uses of the syntax,
    involving arrows going in different directions in one statement. Rafael
    Garcia-Suarez earned at least one giggle when he suggested that we just
    needed "v~" "^~" and we had our own flavour of Befunge.

    There was a fair amount more discussion, mostly thrashing out details
    and edge cases.

  "Disappearing" code
    John Siracusa wondered if there would be a perl6ish way of creating code
    that was 'the spiritual equivalent of #ifdef, only Perlish'. To which
    the answer is, of course, 'yes'. Damian showed off a neat trick (modulo
    a couple of pretty typos) with an immediate function that demonstrated
    using Perl 6 as its own macro language. -- Damian's neat trick

In Brief
    Jim Radford fixed some typos in the rx.ops documentation.

Who's Who in Perl 6
    Who are you?
        Steve Fink. Some guy who writes code.

    What do you do for/with Perl 6?
        The only thing I set out to do was implement a regular expression
        compiler. Along the way, I seem to have implemented hashtables,
        patched the configuration system, messed with memory management,
        implemented some stuff for IMCC, beefed up the PMC file parser,
        fixed some problems with the JIT, and a few other things. Then I got
        a job and ran out of time to work on parrot, so they made me
        pumpking. And I still haven't made it that far with the regex

    Where are you coming from?
        Computer games, originally. First language BASIC, second language
        6502 assembly. Then a failed attempt at C, then more successful
        encounters with Pascal and 68000 assembly, and then C++. Next, a few
        more assembly languages together with SML, NESL, Lisp, Scheme,
        COBOL, Tcl, Prolog, and a few others. And at last Perl4 and then
        Perl5. Oh, and Java, fairly recently. My day job is now in a
        combination of Perl5 and C++, as well as C when nobody's looking.

    When do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        Probably smoothing the path for other developers and keeping them
        motivated. My highest priority is applying (and testing) other
        people's patches, since the mostly likely reason for someone to lose
        interest is to not have their hard work make it into the
        distribution. I would also like to somehow make people's
        contributions more visible -- anyone who has contributed anything
        significant should at least be able to point to something and say
        "Look! I did that! See my name?!"

    I said, when do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        Obviously Leopold Tötsch. Anyone paying an iota of attention would
        know that. Particularly someone who's been writing the summaries,
        unless you're stupid or something. Leo's amazing; I don't know how
        he finds the time. To accomplish that much, I'd need to be working
        full-time about 26 hours a day.

    No, really. When do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        No, not really. I was originally thinking of Perl6 when I got
        involved, but since then the Parrot VM itself has become more
        interesting to me. Although I still wish Perl6 development would
        pick up -- there's a lot that can be done even with the limited
        amount of the language that's been defined. Sean O'Rourke did an
        excellent job in a short amount of time, but it looks like Real Life
        has drawn him back into its fold, and nobody seems to have picked up
        the slack.

    Why are you doing this?
        Heh. That is the question, isn't it? Making a release is probably
        the most concrete measure of how I'm doing as a pumpking, and by
        that standard I'm a dismal failure. As soon as we reclaim the
        tinderbox (and without dropping any machines off it in order to do
        so!) Everything else I wanted to get in is already there.

    You have five words. Describe yourself.
        No, I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong, but I know that I personally
        had to put aside a lot of the actual coding I was working on in
        order to concentrate on making sure everyone else's changes were
        being given proper consideration. I'd much rather relieve him of
        that burden, and let him continue to exercise his demonstrated
        talent at churning out quality code.

    Do you have anything to declare?
        No. It kind of makes sense, but I remember how I first started by
        rewriting a bunch of Dan Sugalski's code, and then seeing most of my
        code get rewritten. I used to be disturbed by that, but now I think
        of it more as a badge of honor -- it proves that what I wrote was
        worth rewriting. Much more so in Dan's case, I suppose, since he
        stated up-front that he was merely doing a reference implementation
        of a design. Dan's done an amazing job of laying out a design that
        hasn't needed to change at its core, and so has been a very
        dependable guide to the implementation of the backbone. But even in
        my case, I can see a number of ideas that were carried through in
        the reimplementation, even if no actual code survived.
        (Interestingly, my tests did. Which kind of makes sense if you think
        about it.)

    Are you finished yet?
        Why yes, thank you.

    Ahem. Thanks Steve. Really.

    Another Monday evening, another summary running over into Tuesday
    morning. Ah well. Distractions were provided by the usual suspects (Mike
    and Sully, our ginger kittens), supplemented this week by a horrible
    cold (the compulsion to find a tissue does tend to derail the train of

    Proofreading was once more handled by Aspell and me. This week we even
    made sure that the Who's Who section contains the name of the person
    answering the questions rather than making you wait 'til the
    acknowledgements section.

    Speaking of which, many thanks to Steve Fink for his answers to the
    questionnaire (well, to the questions he wanted to answer anyway). The
    questionnaire queue is now quite empty so, unless a few more folks in
    the Perl 6 community send me some answers soon then the Who's Who
    section may be going on hiatus. Send your answers (or request the
    'correct' question list from) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    If you didn't like this summary, how did you get this far? If you did
    like it, please consider one or more of the following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl 6.

    *   Get involve in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. and
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money and or a couple of first class flights
        to from London to Portland for this year's OSCON to
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ("Aim high!" they told me.)

    The fee paid for the publication of these summarise on is paid
    directly to the Perl Foundation.

    The Perl 6 Summarizer disclaims any and all responsibility for the
    sanity of his readers; he's having enough trouble hanging onto his own.

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