The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030119
    Summary time again, damn but those tuits are hard to round up. Guess,
    what? perl6-internals comes first. 141 messages this week versus the
    language list's 143.

  Objects (again)
    Objects were still very much on everyone's mind as the discussions of
    Dan's initial thoughts about objects in Parrot continued. Jonathan
    Sillito put up a list of questions about Dan's original message which
    Dan answered promptly. Down the thread a little Dan mentioned that he
    hoped Parrot's objects would serve, reasonably unmodified for a bunch of
    languages (ie, he hoped that there wouldn't be a requirement for
    PythonRef/Attr/Class/Object etc), Chris Armstrong thought that, given
    what Dan had outlined so far, that wouldn't be straightforward. Dan
    thanked him for throwing a spanner in the works, asking for more details
    which Chris provided.

    Meanwhile Jonathan had some supplementary questions... Hmm... doing this
    blow by blow will take forever. Suffice to say that details are being
    thrashed out. At one point Dan's head started to spin as terminology
    mismatches started to bite, leading Nicholas Clark to suggest an
    entirely new set of terms involving houses and hotels (but with some
    serious underpinnings). -- thread root, from last week. -- Jonathan's questions -- Chris throws a spanner -- Nicholas tries for a
                                              monopoly on silliness

  Optimizing and per file flags
    Nicholas Clark wrote about requiring the ability to adjust compiler
    optimization flags on a per file basis (brought up by Dan on IRC
    apparently) and proposed a scheme. Quote of the thread (and quite
    possibly the year so far): "When unpack is going into an infinite loop
    on a Cray 6000 miles away that you don't have any access to, there isn't
    much more you can do." Thanks for that one Nick.

  The draft todo/worklist
    Dan posted his current todo/worklist, which he described as "reasonably
    high level, and a bit terse". I particularly liked the last entry
    "Working Perl 5 parser". Surprisingly, there was very little discussion,
    maybe everyone liked it.

  Parrot Examples
    Joe Yates asked if we could add a helloworld.pasm to
    parrot/examples/assembly. Joseph Guhlin wondered what was so special

        print "Hello, world\n"

    that it would need a file of its own (though he did forget the "end" in
    his post, and segfaults are not really what you want in sample code).

  Thoughts on infant mortality (continued)
    Jason Gloudon posted a wonderfully clear exposition of the problems
    facing anyone trying to implement a portable, incremental garbage
    collector for Parrot which sparked a small amount of discussion and
    muttering from Dan about the temptation to program down to the metal.

  Operators neg and abs in core.ops
    Bernhard Schmalhofer posted an enormous patch adding "neg" and "abs"
    operators to core.ops. There were a few issues with the patch so it
    hasn't gone in yet and an issue with what underlying C functions are
    available reared its head too.

  The "eval" patch
    Leo Tötsch seems to have spent most of the week working on getting
    "eval" working and he opened a ticket on to track what's
    happening with it. The response to this can be summarized as 'Wow!

    Once more, for Googlism, Leopold Toetsch is my hero.

  Pretty Pictures
    Mitchell N Charity posted some pretty pictures that he'd generated with
    doxygen and graphviz. Most of the responses to this suggested he use
    different tools. Ah well.

  Solaris tinderbox failures
    Andy Dougherty created an RT ticket for the Solaris tinderbox, which
    have been failing with the delightfully useful 'PANIC: Unknown signature
    type" and wondered if things could be fixed up to be a little more
    informative. Apparently it was as issue with Leo's recently checked in
    eval patch. So Leo fixed it.

  Parrot compilers
    Cory Spencer wondered about how the current compilers that target parrot
    work, noting that they seem to be duplicating a good deal of labour, and
    wondered if anyone had worked on a gcc like framework with a
    standardized Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Everyone pointed him at IMCC.
    Gopal V also pointed out that, given the variety of implementation
    languages (C, Perl, Parrot...) sharing effort between the sample
    languages would be a little tricky, and mentioned his work on TreeCC (an
    AST manager).

  ook.pasm eval
    Leon Brocard had problems getting the eval based Ook implementation
    working. It turned out to be a problem with Ook's "make test" using
    parrot instead of IMCC.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
    The language list was a little fractious this week; I get the feeling
    that we're spinning our wheels slightly at the moment

  Array questions
    Piers Cawley thought that "my $b is $a" would be a compile error, but
    Michael Lazzaro pointed out that that would mean that "my %data is
    FileBasedHash($path)" would also be a error. Damian pointed out that
    they shouldn't be compile time errors, but there would be no compile
    time type checking.

  L2R/R2L syntax. Again.
    Okay, cards on the table here, I'm getting really, really fed up with
    this thread. This week it was the monster that ate perl6-language. And

    We revisited the Unicode argument (Larry has said that Perl 6 *will*
    have Unicode operators, some people don't like it, others (including me)
    aren't keen. Nobody came up with any original arguments this week).

    Sarcasm was employed (and missed).

    Michael Lazzaro brought up Perl 5's special case syntax for functions
    prototyped with block arguments which sparked some slightly heated
    discussion. Damian had some words of wisdom on this subject. -- Michael Lazzaro on block
                                              syntax -- Damian talks sense

    Later in the thread, Damian clarified his explanation of how the
    proposed "~>" and "<~" operators would work in response to Buddha Buck's
    excellent summary of his understanding of them. If you're taking part in
    this monster thread I strongly suggest rereading both of these messages,
    they're excellent. The subthread from Damian's clarifications led on to
    a discussion of multimethods that's worth looking at too. -- Buddha Buck's summary -- Damian's clarifications

  Larry's state of health and employment
    Damian mentioned that "We should bear in mind that Larry has had some
    health issues. And that he's currently unemployed with four children to
    support. Other matters are taking precedence at the moment." Get well
    soon Larry.

    This led to a discussion of whether the Perl Foundation would be
    continuing its grant to Larry in 2003 (apparently not). (The
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] list is supposedly the right place to discuss this
    further but I'm not yet a member.)

Who's Who in Perl 6?
    Who are you?
        Melvin Smith. I work for IBM. Former Linux hacker. My education is
        Computer Science. I am happily married.

    What do you do for/with Perl 6
        Wrote various pieces of Parrot, including continuations (woo woo!),
        IMCC, and Cola as well as heckle Dan on IRC any chance I get. Sadly,
        my contributions are fragmented and sparse, until I no longer have
        to work for a living.

    Where are you coming from?
        Country boy from Georgia. I have a 4x4 truck and a dog. Perl is my
        favorite language because it has made possible many days of
        finishing work early to play golf, and I love WOW-ing Java

    When do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        In digestable form, December, 2003. However, if the Raelians can
        clone Leopold Tötsch by July, then August might be possible.

    Why are you doing this?
        Solely to learn new things. There is no better way to learn how to
        write a compiler than to write one badly. If Perl6 never arrives,
        I'll be satisfied by what I accomplished.

    You have 5 words. Describe yourself
        Intense, stubborn, dedicated, happy and kind.

    Do you have anything to declare?
        Yes. Treat people on the Net just like your friends and coworkers.
        They just might be, one day.

    Well, this set of acknowledgements may look slightly different than
    usual. This morning we had one of *those* meetings... If you've ever
    worked for a dot com you know the type; the whole company got called
    into a conference room that was two small at about two minutes notice
    and the boss spent 10 minutes umming and ahhing through a speech about
    retrenchment and cost cutting and... um... downsizing.

    So, it looks like I'm about to become a member of the Copious Free Time
    club. I would take this opportunity to beg for a job, but if you do have
    jobs to offer Perl programmers Larry and Dan may be more useful to you.

    Returning to your normally scheduled acknowledgements, many thanks to
    Melvin Smith for his answers to the Who's Who questionnaire. The answer
    queue is empty again so unless someone else sends some answers Who's Who
    will be on hiatus for a while. Send your answers to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    If you appreciated this summary please consider one or more of the
    following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. and
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money and or the complete Tarbell Course in
        Magic to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    The fee paid for the publication of these summaries on is paid
    directly to the Perl Foundation (but given my current situation I may be
    reconsidering that.)

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