Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   More CPS shenanigans
>     I get the strong feeling that Leo Tötsch isn't entirely happy with the
>     new Continuation Passing Style regime.

No, I'm really happy with CPS. Restoring the whole context by invoke'ing
the return continuation is a very elegant and efficient way to do it,
not speaking from tail calls ...

>     He's worried that the P6C tests
>     break,

... albeit this is still an issue. Nobody answered, if we need another
Sub class implementing the old invoke/ret scheme ...

>     ... and that CPS subs are some 3 times slower for calling the sub.

... while this is solved. Jonathans patch that went in originally had
this bad performance. But with separating the Sub/Continuation setup
from the actual subroutine call (which amongst other things my patches
did), performance is back again at the old level. In fact the current
CPS implementation is faster then the old invoke/ret scheme. I estimate
the final speed, when all needed context things are saved, to be about
the same as invoke/ret w/o much context saving.

>     Whee! My first anniversary!

Congrats and thanks for your great summaries.


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