On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think we'd be better served getting the freeze/thaw stuff in and
> We were just discussing this in the f'up.

I read those, but I wanted to make sure the discussion went this way. :)
> > If we make the initial dump scheme something mildly human readable (XML,
> > YAML, whatever) then the debugger doesn't have to worry about formatting
> > it for a while. (And we're going to want a pluggable dump scheme anyway,
> > to make experimentation eaiser)
> Pluggable implies a dump() vtable method, doesn't it?

Nope. Pluggable implies freezethaw.c provides all the functionality to 
freeze or thaw a PMC, with code in there to handle the right final 
encoding or decoding of the data. 

I thought we had a freeze and thaw entry in the vtables, but I see not. 
The signatures (since I don't have source handy to check them in) should 

  STRING *freeze()
  PMC* thaw(STRING*)

With thaw ignoring its initial PMC parameter. (It's a class method, 


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