Here is my personal answer : 

--- Clemens Eisserer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But  I´ve searched a long time for a system like .NET that can´t be 
> controlled by Microsoft through Patents.

I am also concerned about the control of patents, and the DotGnu(TM)
team implementing patented interfaces that are of questionable value. 

Please note that ECMA sumbitted code is *not* covered by patents.

In fact in my mail to the dotgnu list that got me banned,
I questioned the value of implemented this CodeDom interface.
    >     - finish CodeDom and write a test suite
    I have done an analysis of the codedom last year. This is definitly
    something that I am interested in. In fact, I think we might want
    create dotgnu replacement for thatt, because it is not standard and
    part of the patent application : 20030028685'20030028685'.PGNR.&OS=DN/20030028685&RS=DN/20030028685
    United States Patent Application, 20030028685. 

    I have some ideas about how this replacment might look, in fact, my
    working model is much more fine tuned, and would allow code on the
    finiest expression level to be created. 

> So, my question: Is it planned to include a complete classpath into 
> parrot, including gui, network, db, sound functionality or will it
> have 
> only the "really needed" things like perl5 had?

There are numerous plans to convert java to IL.
There is a project in DotGnu(TM) for a java frontend.
There is a plan to have a parrot backend for dotgnu.

Please not that I am not speaking for anyone except myself,

Gruss züruck,

All trademarks (DotGnu) are owned by thier respective owners, In no way
should you interpret my statements about them as any promise of support
of these ideas by the Owners to the intellectual property named

James Michael DuPont

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