--- Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "AK" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> the designs range from a
> total code conversion, load and translate the zcode into equivilent
> imcc. this should be the easiest to do as you just need to write a
> code
> generator for each zcode op. you can fake a stack in imcc using a PMC
> array or someother technique. just have all the zcode stack opcodes
> use
> the pmc based stack in the translation. this could be done in pure
> perl
> as well and run offline to generate imcc code. this would still run
> directly on parrot but use its existing set of opcodes

[Sound of head hitting desk]

Oh! You're saying that instead of pure perl I could write the
disassembler and translator in PASM. I think I've gotten so used to
Perl being the best job for translating from one bytestream to another
that I never imagined using PASM itself, but of course that's what the
aforementioned Befunge & Ook translators do.

Well, that will certainly be more work than doing it in Perl, but OTOH,
it'll probably be a great tutorial in PASM.

And reading Dan's post, it looks like that's what he's thinking of,
too. And since I can't imagine we'll get *three* people to agree on
anything, I think I'll start trying to do that.

I'll get back to you in six months or so :)


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