Nick --

Looks like I'm the guilty party. I do tend to do this
every now and again, even though I don't consider myself
thoughtless or careless.

I think sometimes I get focused on my local changes and
as I'm testing and committing it just isn't natural to
consider that a change in something that *depends on*
the rest of Parrot will cause a build failure of Parrot.

It may be that I'm the only one that feels that way, but
perhaps not. A sure way to make the problem go away is
to make the building of these other pieces of code fail
when the problem exists. One way to accomplish that would
be to have the various languages have their own MANIFEST
files that are checked every time you do a 'make' there.

That way, if I have a clean checkout of the entirety of
Parrot, and it builds fine, and then I go off and make
a change to Jako, I'll get the complaint right then and
there instead of having to remember to go back and build/test
Parrot again (which hasn't been changed after all).


-- Gregor

On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 10:43, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 05:49:41PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > I'm seeing this failure on a clean checkout:
> > 
> > t/src/manifest.........NOK 4#     Failed test (t/src/manifest.t at line 38)
> > # Missing files in Manifest:
> > #       languages/jako/examples/python.jako
> > #       languages/jako/jako
> > # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 4.
> > t/src/manifest.........dubious
> >         Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> > DIED. FAILED test 4
> >         Failed 1/4 tests, 75.00% okay
> > 
> > Did MANIFEST get committed without some files?
> As everyone on the commit list will have seen, Dan fixed this
> (and I misunderstood the error - files were added without the MANIFEST
> being updated)
> How come people don't do a clean build after checking things in to verify
> that there's nothing unexpected gone wrong? :-(
> I suspect that dipsy knows the answer:
> 18:41 <Nicholas> rule 2
> 18:41 <dipsy> rule 2 is people are lazy
> curiously, like Thermodynamics, a rule 0 has been added:
> 18:42 <Nicholas> rule 0
> 18:42 <dipsy> rule 0 is even if you know the rules, you're still a person
> Nicholas Clark
Gregor Purdy                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Focus Research, Inc.     

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