I've checked in a bunch of object stuff mainly attributes and a first try to call a method.

Some remarks:
    newclass P1, "Foo"
    addattrib I1, P1, "i"
    set I2, P1["Foo\x00i"]   # I1 == I2

gets currently the attribute idx (0) of "$Foo::i".
Q: Should the assembler mangle the "Foo::i" to "Foo\0i"

Same with method calls:
    newclass P2, "Foo"
    set S0, "meth"
    callmethcc              # wants "Foo\x0meth"

  .mangle "::" "\x00"       # mangle from to
  .pcc_sub Foo::meth:

And finally, I don't know, if Parrot_add_attribute() does the Rigth Thing, please have a look at it.

Comments welcome

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