
I have been playing around with 'libpcre' for Parrot m4.
For some reason I couldn't compile two regular expressions in the same
PIR script. 
I created a sample C program and that worked like it should.

It looks like the error has nothing to do with 'libpcre'. So I boiled down
my code to a small test script.
When a macro contains a '.sub' call, and that macro is used twice, then I get
a 'memory error'.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/parrot/languages/m4> ../../parrot

Could sombody test the attached script on another machine?
I'm working here on a Linux laptop:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/parrot> uname -a
Linux linux 2.4.20-4GB-athlon #1 Mon Mar 17 17:56:47 UTC 2003 i686 unknown
unknown GNU/Linux

How can I tell 'parrot' to dump a core file?

CU, Bernhard

Attachment: macro_used_twice.imc
Description: Binary data

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