You'll find some diagrams here which might help. ParrotDiagramsString

On 13 Jan 2004, at 22:06, Robert Eaglestone wrote:

OK, I'm looking at the Parrot String documentation, and I've
got questions.  It's not like the docs are a total mess, they
just need some fleshing out.  Yeah, that's it.  So here I go.

Here's the page I'm looking at:

And here are my questions.  Or, rather, notes which have
questions in them.

* OK, I'm game, is 'String' a new thing that's been added to C in the last ten years? I can't find it defined anywhere; my brain must have gone to mush.

*  Does it help to mention that the source code for string
   functions is include/parrot/string.h and string.c?

*  Suppose I add some example code to the doc, creating a
   string and fooling around with it?  Perhaps using code
   from a string test routine (hint, hint)?  I'd do something
   like this, maybe:

INTVAL encoding = where/what are the encoding values?

    /* is this legal? */
    STRING* foo = string_make( pi, "foobar", 6, encoding, 0, 0 );
    /* foo is "foobar" */

/* It's a pity we don't have a shorter constructor. */

STRING* bar = string_chopn( foo, 3 ); /* bar is "foo" */

    /* It's also sort-of a pity we don't have this one. */
    STRING* baz = string_chop( foo );
    /* baz is "fo" */

*   Finally, at the bottom of the doc, I see all these
    undocumented functions.  I think I ought to document
    them.  Any new stuff since this page was last edited?


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