I'm attempting to update Configure.pl --help to include all the options. I parsed the files in config so I reckon I have all the options, I'd just be grateful if anyone can point out any misunderstandings. The expnetwork option defines EXP_NETWORKING in config.h, but this is unused. Should it be kept?

% perl ./Configure.pl --help
./Configure.pl - Parrot Configure 2.0

General Options:

   --help                       Show this text
   --version            Show version information
   --verbose            Output extra information
   --nomanicheck        Don't check the MANIFEST
   --maintainer         Use this option if you are hacking Parrot.
                                This needs working lex/flex/yacc/bison programs.
   --miniparrot         Build parrot assuming only pure ANSI C is available
   --buildicu           Build Parrot and ICU

Parrot Configuration Options:

You can remove parts of a line with :rem{<opt>} and add options with :add{<opt>}
e.g. :rem{-g} :add{-O2}

   --ask                        Have Configure ask for commonly-changed info
   --debugging=0        Disable debugging, default = 1
   --optimize           Optimized compile
   --inline                     Compiler supports inline
   --expnetwork         Enable experimental networking (unused)

   --cc=(compiler)      Use the given compiler
   --ccflags=(flags)    Use the given compiler flags
   --ccwarn=(flags)     Use the given compiler warning flags
   --libs=(libs)                Use the given libraries
   --link=(linker)              Use the given linker
   --linkflags=(flags)  Use the given linker flags
   --ld=(linker)                Use the given loader for shared libraries
   --ldflags=(flags)    Use the given loader flags for shared libraries
   --lex=(flags)                Use the given lexical analyzer generator
   --yacc=(flags)               Use the given parser generator

   --intval=(type)      Use the given type for INTVAL
   --floatval=(type)    Use the given type for FLOATVAL
   --opcode=(type)      Use the given type for opcodes
   --ops=(files)                Use the given ops files
   --pmc=(files)                Use the given PMC files

   --cgoto=0            Don't build cgoto core - recommended when short of mem
   --jitcapable         Use JIT
   --execcapable        Use JIT to emit a native executable
   --gc=(type)          Determine the type of garbage collection
                                type=(gc|libc|malloc|malloc-trace) default is gc

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