Jeff Clites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Where in the stream would we patch? If not in a loop, you may never hit
> the single patched location again, but still might not end for a very
> long time....

Same as with prederefed run cores: backward branches, invoke*

> If we are patching all locations with branches and such, in large
> bytecode this could take a long time, and the executing thread might
> outrun the "patching" thread.

We have of course to benchmark this scheme against other approaches.
Albeit finding/writing such benchmarks and measuring responsiveness will
be some fun ;)
But we can of course measure how long it takes to patch a certain
amount of code twice.

> ... Also, once the handler is entered we'd
> have to fix all of patched locations, which again could be
> time-consuming for large bytecode.

Please remember: only the current code segment has to be patched, which
theoretically could be very large, but that's unlikely.

> JEff


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