Hi All,

Attached here is a list with old entries in RT where you can see the
requestor (email address), ticket number, description. If your email
address is in there, please give an update or I'll go flagging these
as obsolete (unless they are obviously resolved, "patch applied" or
else ;)

On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 05:25, Will Coleda wrote:
> Sorry for the singletons in the previous messages, didn't expect to 
> find more than the first.
> This isn't meant to be a canonical list of close-able things, just 
> those I found poking around for several minutes.
> In the "open" queue, there are 5 calls that range from 10 months to two 
> years old that may be crufty.
> These are all from the "new" queue for parrot.
> 22183 is a [PATCH] (though it doesn't claim to be) that's been Applied.
> 22521 is a bug that leo fixed but didn't close.
> 22360 is a bug that someone fixed, but didn't take credit for or close.
> 22328 is a [PATCH] that's been Applied.
> 22617 is a bug leo fixed but didn't close.
> 22645 is fixed, as nested subs won't even compile at this point.
> 22718 is an applied [PATCH] (though it doesn't claim to be a patch.)
> 22995 is an applied [PATCH]
> 23346 is an applied [PATCH]
> 23064 is an applied [PATCH]
> 23039 was marked applied, Nicholas Clark asked if it should be closed, 
> and then it was unmarked applied. Leo? Can this be closed?
> 24662 was a [PATCH], applied.
> 24701 is a [PATCH]. Dan and Leo both said to apply it, and peering at 
> my fairly recent checkout, it appears to have been applied.
> 25144 should be assigned to Melvin, as he said he was working on a fix.
> 25252 is spam.
> --
> Will "Coke" Coleda                                    will at coleda 
> dot com
                                       19192  JIT fails 3 tests on AMD K5              
                                        1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        17159  imcc / Mac OS X problem                
                                          1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            24865  Parrot and Gentoo                                  
                              3 weeks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        24682  [BUG] parrot compile fails on MacOS 
10.3.1 - possibly dynaloading patch?         5 weeks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 16842  Solaris8/gcc warnings/errors                  
                                   1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  22173  test t/native_pbc/number.t fails on powerpc 
linux                                9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            19834  [PATCH] sub, add, mul, div with combinations of 
INT, NUM, PMC                    2 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            20298  Operators neg and abs in core.ops                  
                              2 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            22548  [PATCH] Numbers with a '+' sign in the exponent    
                              2 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            22765  [PATCH] Unary '+' is not symmetric to unary '-' in 
languages/perl6               7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            24553  [PATCH] missing documentation files in imcc.pod    
                              2 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              18097  [PATCH] allow NULL interpreter in sprintf like 
functions                         1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              21600  [PATCH] Enable buffer io in PIO                  
                                9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              24224  [PATCH] IMCC: Macros are handled via hash        
                                3 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              24701  [PATCH] Build core_ops.c etc in ops dir instead 
of src                           5 weeks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      16258  [PATCH] The Great Renaming               
                                        1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      16622  RE: [PATCH PDD07] Document struct naming 
conventions                             1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      17646  [PATCH] Add stone-age exception handling 
                                        1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      17817  [PATCH] Parrot_sprintf-related stuff, 
part 2                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     19467  [PATCH] win32.h - MinGW #pragma warnings  
                                       1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     22174  [PATCH] snprintf link errors on Win32     
                                       9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     22175  [PATCH] Static libparrot should built by 
target 'all'                            9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22319  [PATCH] extra-large is too big for 
varargs                                       8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22321  [PATCH] debug tests when debugging       
                                        8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22324  [PATCH] fixed test and learned lesson 
(was Re: sizeof(opcode_t)                  8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22328  [PATCH] No bytecode is bad               
                                        8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22330  [PATCH] Perl assembler b0rken with long 
doubles                                  8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22333  [PATCH] IO on bad file descriptors       
                                        8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            18003  Make test failures under Win32 MSVC++              
                              1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            18044  Assembler doesn't return a useful exit status      
                              1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   21729  IMCC doesn't handle scientific notation 
constants                                10 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22135  NCI and Jit push arguments in wrong order   
                                     9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22214  set Nx, Sx with non-numeric Sx results in 
number                                 5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22359  IMCC Optimizer fails with various types of 
hand-rolled loops                     8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22360  IMCC error for unexpected X, expecting Y 
needs more information                  8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22521  IMCC causes seegfault with many perlarrays 
and perlhashes                        8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22617  IMCC duplicate labels in different subs 
cause wrong branch                       8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22645  IMCC Nested .subs cause segfaults           
                                     8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22706  IMCC (& Parrot) crash with -t when invoke 
is run                                 7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22718  core function index() returns -1 when 
search string contains spaces              7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22767  IMCC/Parrot leak and eventual segfault      
                                     7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22854  Incongruity in Parrot IO and/or Parrot I/O 
crashes on STDIN read                 7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22877  GC/Sweep errors in latest build             
                                     7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               24396  FAIL parrot-0.0.13 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread     
                                 3 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        23115  powerpc linux support                  
                                          6 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      17405  [PATCH] correct make pdb on Win32        
                                        1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      24149  [PATCH] small Makefile patch (rm *.s in 
realclean instead of clean)              4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          192    Need to de-make makefiles            
                                            4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          22665  Stack rotate doesn't respect COW 
flags                                           8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 18189  Test failures with 'long long' on i386/linux  
                                   1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 18319  [PATCH] Re: How to portably link on Win32 
(all flavors), OS/2 and VMS?           1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 19183  languages/perl6/t/compiler.t -- multiple ways 
to spell "Inf"                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 19184  languages/perl6/t/rx/call test error          
                                   1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 23822  [PATCH] Avoid undef warnings for ccwarn       
                                   4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       22183  imcc doesn't support \e                                 
                         9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       22218  Segfault in Parrot_really_destroy                       
                         9 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       22352  PackFile imcc bug                                       
                         8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       22353  JIT!                                                    
                         8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     23276  Prefixing #define names                   
                                       5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  22922  Parrot threading!                            
                                    7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  22923  Win32 compile problema (VC++ 6)              
                                    7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  23552  Parrot on Win32! Where we will be able to 
compile IMCC?!                         5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        24087  languages/imcc/t/syn/macro.t test 17 
failing on Mac OS X                         4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        24662  [PATCH] Mac OS X dynamic loading using 
the primary API                           6 weeks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    22901  [PATCH] Add trailing \ to multi-line 
string constants in debug.c                 7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          16772  [PATCH] Add format for UINTVAL       
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          19728  [PATCH] SPARC jit fix for restart    
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22995  [PATCH] op cmp INT STR STR                  
                                     7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       20666  Assemble.pl Reports Incorrect Line 
Numbers after Removal of Macros               12 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     15748  [SPAM=07.30] [PATCH] added function in 
pmc.c                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      23135  Build fails under Win32                  
                                        6 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    23064  [PATCH] Fix copyright notices              
                                      6 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    726    -fno-strict-aliasing (fwd)                 
                                      1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    760    Parrot_warn doesn't work with a NULL 
interpreter                                 1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            23159  Parrot SIGSEGV in scratchpad_find  
                                              6 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  18064  test 75 of t/pmc/pmc.t fails                 
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  18320  PerlArray, GC or string bug                  
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  19328  bug/feature (?) in perlarray of perlarrays   
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  19331  [PATCH]befunge 0.1.0 released                
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  19599  [pasm bug] PerlHash: cannot delete a key     
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  19670  [PASM] bug in i/o (read on stdin)            
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  19671  [PATCH] befunge debugger supports the 
"delete" instruction                       1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     17072  warnings while compiling parrot           
                                       1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     23337  Problem with packfile                     
                                       5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     23346  [PATCH] docs/running.pod: command line 
arguments                                 5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     23355  new tests for packfiles                   
                                       5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 23299  Dynamic type handling in IMCC                 
                                   5 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     22902  "make test" Failure                       
                                       7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    23039  [PATCH] event handling-2                   
                                      4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          16300  [BUG] hash clone hangs               
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          17158  [PACTH] reduce size of 
core_ops_prederef.* by a fair amount                      1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          17244  [PACTH] hash ops at runtime for 
op_code() lookup                                 1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          17876  [PTACH] Parrot_snprintf writes 1 
char too much                                   1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          17931  [PATCH] DOD/GC related               
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          18142  [PACTH] Parrot_destroy               
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          18782  [PTACH] long double support 
i386/linux                                           1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          18832  [PATCH] nci test lib                 
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          24388  [PATCH] use pmc2c2 for PMC building  
                                            3 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    16789  'make test' for parrot fails               
                                      1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   19356  [PATCH] creating string_destroy()           
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   23411  [PATCH] Add drafty ABSTRACT and OVERVIEW to 
docs/strings.pod                     4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   19871  Fwd: Introduction and cygwin results        
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   19872  Fwd: Re: Introduction and cygwin results    
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   19873  Fwd: perl6 testing on mingw32               
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   19874  Patch for pdump                             
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  24043  [PATCH] Getting ICU to build on OS X         
                                    4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  24103  submissions.pod                              
                                    4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  24177  [PATCH] Make Parrot dlcompat aware on OS X   
                                    4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   15988  Make.pl might load the wrong Make.pm        
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   22936  [PATCH] Parrot_unsetenv() broken on win32   
                                     7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       16763  parrot hash test fail on sparc Linux    
                                         1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       16237  [PATCH] register window flush for sparc 
                                         1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       16764  [PATCH] library building win32          
                                         1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       21577  [PATCH] sun4 vtable jit support         
                                         11 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  15308  Dans Feedback Integrated into Documentation  
                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     24168  gmake required to build imcc on freebsd   
                                       4 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     24169  pthread required to build parrot on 
freebsd                                      3 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      22873  gentoo ebuild ... problem..              
                                        7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   18897  Error running Configure.pl                                  
                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    21679  [PATCH] Implement use for P6C.                             
                      10 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            23084  [The Parrot Primer] Japanese Translation           
                              6 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          17739  [PATCH] Tests for assign ops         
                                            1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          20707  Major packfile(?) breakage           
                                            12 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          21665  [BUG] Incompatible return type in 
io/io_unix.c                                   11 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          22343  pdb + internal_exception = segfault  
                                            8 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          22857  Parrot IO test failures              
                                            7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          23006  FLOATVAL_FMT                         
                                            7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          24381  Parrot doesn't build with 
PIO_OS_STDIO defined                                   3 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      16087  [PATCH] Scratchpad pmc                   
                                        1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      16797  make subs closures                       
                                        1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      18170  [PATCH] very complete lexical scope 
implementation                               1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   17490  Magic is useless unless verifiable.         
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   17491  One-queens problem                          
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   17492  Leaning tower of Hanoi                      
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   17562  Segfault in stack handling code running 
ELIZA                                    1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   16935  [PATCH] more regex stack manipulation       
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   19090  [PATCH] make parrot_v[sfn]*printf behave 
itself                                  1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   801    [PATCH] PerlArray in scalar context         
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         16020  Re: Array vs. PerlArray               
                                           1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         16414  Interpreter PMC                       
                                           1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         19163  configure probe for va_list*          
                                           1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   15877  [SPAM=07.30] [PATCH] genclass.pl            
                                     1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            24761  make test failures on freebsd-current              
                              4 weeks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         16755  imcc requires Parrot_dlopen but 
HAS_DLOPEN is never defined                      1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        22823  test failed in t/pmc/io                
                                          7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        22824  Fwd: test failed in t/pmc/io           
                                          7 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       19516  imcc whitespace sensitive parsing error 
                                         1 years 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        24251  PIR reserved words, confusing error    
                                          3 months 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 22119  [PATCH]Parrot PPC JIT: More ops and bugfixes. 
                                   9 months 

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