
I'm struggling to get up to speed on contributing to parrot and I have various 

1) Is there any way past this problem?

   cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/public co parrot
   U parrot/ops/var.ops
   cvs server: Updating parrot/pf
   U parrot/pf/pf_items.c
   cvs [checkout aborted]: could not chdir to parrot/platforms: Invalid argument

I'm a cvs newbie. I've used pvcs/vss for years, so I understand the function, 
but I'm struggling with cvs' myriad options. 

Q. Is there an option that will pursuade cvs to carry on regardless so that I 
can get most of it, if not all?

2) I sent this question previously (22 Feb 2004 20:37 GMT) but it never made it 
onto the list. (I was unsubscribed!).

If I make a change in win32.c, (now: config/gen/platform/win32/exec.c) what is 
the procedure (or where is this documented) to get platform.c re-generated and 
compiled into parrot.exe?

The only mechanism I have found that does this is to

        nmake realclean

which doesn't seem right somehow, but I think I've read every documentation file
at least twice and nothing has leaped of the page as to the right way to do

3) Is this list now blocking unsubscribed posts since the recent spam/virus 
problem? I'd prefer to be unsubscribed as I find the list easier to follow 
through a news client than a flat list of unordered emails.


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