On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 03:43, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> CGoto core: make testg testC

Both of these worked on Linux PPC with gcc-3.2.3

I did see an intermittent hang, this time on the second test of
t/src/intlist.t.  killall -HUP intlist_2 made the test continue, though
it failed.

> JIT:        make testj

imcc/t/reg/spill.t    1   256     3    1  33.33%  2
imcc/t/syn/pcc.t      1   256    31    1   3.23%  17
t/op/integer.t        2   512    39    2   5.13%  1 33
t/op/stacks.t         5  1280    56    5   8.93%  1-5

I'm attaching the output.

-- c

#     Failed test (t/op/integer.t at line 21)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '0
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# 6
# 7
# 8
# 9
# 10
# 11
# 12
# 13
# 14
# 15
# 16
# 17
# 18
# 19
# 20
# 21
# 22
# 23
# 24
# 25
# 26
# 27
# 28
# 29
# 30
# 31
# '
#     Failed test (t/op/integer.t at line 1040)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '00000000000000000000000000000000
# '
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 39.
#     Failed test (t/op/stacks.t at line 79)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '0-1-2-3-4
# -5-6-7-8-9
# -10-11-12-13-14
# -15-16-17-18-19
# -20-21-22-23-24
# -25-26-27-28-29
# -30-31
# 01234
# 56789
# 1011121314
# 1516171819
# 2021222324
# 2526272829
# 3031
# '
#     Failed test (t/op/stacks.t at line 104)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '0-1-2-3-4
# -5-6-7-8-9
# -10-11-12-13-14
# -1516171819
# 2021222324
# 2526272829
# 3031
# '
#     Failed test (t/op/stacks.t at line 121)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '01234
# 56789
# 1011121314
# 15-16-17-18-19
# -20-21-22-23-24
# -25-26-27-28-29
# -30-31
# '
#     Failed test (t/op/stacks.t at line 138)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '0-1-2-3-4
# -5-6-7-8-9
# -10-11-12-13-14
# -1516171819
# 2021222324
# 2526272829
# 3031
# 01234
# 56789
# 1011121314
# 1516171819
# 2021222324
# 2526272829
# 3031
# 1617181920
# 2122232425
# 2627282930
# 31-16-17-18-19
# -20-21-22-23-24
# -25-26-27-28-29
# -30-31
# 1617181920
# 2122232425
# 2627282930
# 310123
# 45678
# 910111213
# 1415
# '
#     Failed test (t/op/stacks.t at line 194)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00
# 1617181920
# 2122232425
# 2627282930
# 310-1-2-3
# -4-5-6-7-8
# -9-10-11-12-13
# -14-15
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00000
# 00
# 01234
# 56789
# 1011121314
# 15-16-17-18-19
# -20-21-22-23-24
# -25-26-27-28-29
# -30-31
# '
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 56.
.so SO extension
#     Failed test (imcc/t/reg/spill.t at line 80)
#          got: ''
#     expected: '0123456789
# 10111213141516171819
# 20212223242526272829
# 30313233343536373839
# 1591317
# 2125293337
# 4145495357
# 6165697377
# '
# Looks like you failed 1 tests of 3.
#     Failed test (imcc/t/syn/pcc.t at line 762)
#          got: ''
#     expected: 'all params ok
# '
# Looks like you failed 1 tests of 31.
Failed 4/86 test scripts, 95.35% okay. 9/1324 subtests failed, 99.32% okay.
make: *** [testj] Error 255

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