On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 11:37:09AM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
: FWIW, if we start getting into the "What should our base time for the 
: epoch be" arguments, I'll warn you that the answer if I have to make 
: one is probably Nov 17, 1858 at midnight, give or take a bad memory, 
: and our time value'll be a 64-bit integer. So think carefully before 
: you go there. :)

Well, you can do whatever you like with Parrot, but I want Perl 6's
standard interface to be floating point seconds since 2000.  Floating
point will almost always have enough precision for the task at hand,
and by the time it doesn't, it will.  :-)

But the overriding consideration is that normal users should
I<never> have to remember the units of the fractional seconds.
Is it nanoseconds this week?

That's the sort of arbitrary complexity that doesn't belong in Perl 6.
Solving the real problems is hard enough.


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