On 6 Mar 2004, at 05:31, Robert Spier wrote:

The problem isn't today.  It's the "trend" and next month, when
someone decides they need to add some other module, and has a
precedent to follow.   Then, suddenly we end up with 30 different
modules included in our distribution, each one changed slightly from
the CPAN one.  Dual-lifed modules that live with perl5 are hard

I shoved Pod::Simple in because I had problems with the Pod modules in the Perl distribution and the people on pod-people assured me Pod::Simple was "the way to go".

It was the soft option, i wanted people to be able to build the html docs easily, and I took the existence of the other modules in lib as examples of how to go about it.

So, yes, precedent is the problem. Which is why I'd prefer if we could decide what the rule is and apply it to Pod::Simple etc* now, so that it sets the correct precedent. I have held off modifying it, so that it can be removed if necessary.

Also, Dan, is it inherently bad to "to install perl modules off the 'net", or, just bad for Parrot's config to do it? Would it be acceptable for write_docs.pl to do it? Or, do you mean that the distribution has to be complete in itself, so that it can be installed off a cd on a network-less box and run?

Lastly, if we use Leo's "prominent notes" approach, is that note in the end not just going to be:

To install the additional Perl modules required by Parrot run the following
command in a shell:

perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install("Parrot::Bundle")


Class::Struct has been patched to work with 5.005_03.
Digest::Perl::MD5 is unmodified except where I changed the bang perl line.
Parse::Parse::RecDescent has been modified for perl6.
Pod::Simple unmodified.
Test::More, only Test::Builder has been modified.
Text::Balanced is unmodified.

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