Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>That would seem like good future proofing.  Someday every computer will
>have decentish subsecond timing.  I hope to see it in my lifetime...

It isn't having the sub-second time in the computer it is the API 
to get at it... 

>My guess is that eventually they'll decide to put a moratorium on
>leap seconds, with the recommendation that the problem be revisited
>just before 2100, on the assumption that we'll add all of a century's
>leap seconds at once at the end of each century.  That would let
>civil time drift by at most a minute or two before being hauled
>back to astronomical time.  

Given that most people live more than an minute or two from their 
civil-time meridian who will notice? (Says me about 8 minutes west of 

>I'd say what's missing are the error bars.  I don't mind if the
>timestamp comes back integral on machines that can't support subsecond
>timing, but I darn well better *know* that I can't sleep(.25), or
>strange things are gonna happen.

But you can fake sleep() with select() or whatever.

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