Here's version 0.01 of ParrotUnit, my port of the xUnit testing
framework to Parrot. It allows you to write your tests for parrot
applications using object oriented parrot. Untar it in your parrot
directory then do 

    $ parrot t/test.imc
    ok 1 testTemplateMethod
    ok 2 testTestFailure
    ok 3 testTestCount

and away you go.

Right now you have to do a largish amount by hand because Parrot lacks
the reflective capabilities needed to do automatic generation of
TestSuites etc, and I've yet to come up with a good set of 'assert_*'
methods, but what's there is usable (and splendidly undocumented). Enjoy.

Attachment: parrotunit-0.01.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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