OK, make clean != make realclean :-)
Passed that problem.


Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 5:21 PM +0100 4/12/04, Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes wrote:

ICU_DATA=../data/out/build LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../common:../i18n:../tools/toolutil:../layout:../layoutex:../extra/ustdio:../tools/ctestfw:../data/out:../data:../stubdata/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ../tools/genrb/genrb -k -q -p icudt26l -s ../data/locales -d ../data/out/build it_IT_PREEURO.txt
ICU_DATA=../data/out/build LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../common:../i18n:../tools/toolutil:../layout:../layoutex:../extra/ustdio:../tools/ctestfw:../data/out:../data:../stubdata/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ../tools/genrb/genrb -k -q -p icudt26l -s ../data/locales -d ../data/out/build ja.txt
../data/locales/ja.txt:15: parse error. Stopped parsing with U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR
couldn't parse the file ja.txt. Error:U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR
make[1]: *** [../data/out/build/icudt26l_ja.res] Error 3
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ambs/Junk/Parrot/parrot/icu/source/data'
make: *** [blib/lib/libicuuc.a] Error 2

Maybe the anoncvs is not updated, yet?

Nope -- there's only one CVS. The change is to the configure script for ICU, though, so you may want to do a make realclean first to make sure the changes are picked up.

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