On Fri, 2004-04-23 at 15:34, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 3:25 PM -0400 4/23/04, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> >That I did not know about, but noticed Dan pointing it out too. I'm
> >still learning a lot here,
> It might be best, for everyone's peace of mind, blood pressure, and 
> general edification, to take a(nother) run through the documentation. 
> The stuff in docs/pdds isn't too out of date (mostly) and all the 
> opcodes have POD, so you can do something like:

Yeah, I've been plowing through it a piece at a time. I'm currently
still mowing down the DOD docs which (given that I've been in
application space for the last 8 years, and the world of GC has changed
radically in that time) is a hard read. There are 14,304 lines of POD in
the docs subdir and its immediate subdirs. That's a fair amount of
reading, especially for something as dense as technical documentation.

> While diving in feet-first does get you going, looking for the rocks 
> and deep water first is never ill-advised... :)

Is that really what I'm doing?

It's also the case that there's a HUGE amount of documentation and
source code, and I doubt that ANYONE coming to this list and asking
questions will understand all of it. I would be so egotistical as to
even suggest that I've read more of the source and docs than most who
will be asking questions in the next few years.

Given that, getting the stupid stuff out of the way now, and putting it
in a highly indexed form (e.g. a mailing list FAQ) that people on the
list can be pointed at, might save EVEN MORE blood pressure.

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

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