# New Ticket Created by  Andy Dougherty 
# Please include the string:  [perl #30095]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org:80/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=30095 >

This patch updates some of the build requirements for parrot.
The C++ stuff is obvious and self-explanatory, I hope.

The version bump for perl from 5.005 to 5.6 is for at least two
reasons I have encountered so far:

    1.  build_tools/c2str.pl uses features of Math::BigInt that didn't
    appear until version 5.6.  (Yes, I know I could work around them,
    and I started to until I encountered the next item.)

    2.  Parrot::IO::Path and Parrot::Test both use
    File::Spec->rel2abs(), which didn't appear until perl-5.6.

There may well be other version issues lurking; I haven't gotten parrot to
build yet to actually test anything.  If there are no other major issues,
it may be worthwhile to work around these two and bringing the requirement
back down to 5.005.  In the meantime, however, this patch summarizes the
current state of affairs.

--- parrot-current/README       Sun Feb 29 11:00:04 2004
+++ parrot-andy/README  Mon Jun  7 16:33:54 2004
@@ -21,9 +21,13 @@

-You'll need a compiler a linker and a make program of course.
+You'll need a C compiler, a linker and a make program of course.  If you
+will be building the ICU library as part of parrot (this is the
+default), you will also need a C++ compiler and GNU make installed in
+your PATH as either 'gmake', 'make', or 'gnumake'.

-You'll also need Perl 5.005 or above to run the config scripts.
+You'll also need Perl 5.6 or above to run various configure and
+build scripts.

 For most of the platforms that we are supporting initially,
 Parrot should build out of the box.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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