On Jun-26, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
> I am currently completing work on an extensible regex-specific parsing
> module, Regexp::Parser.  It should appear on CPAN by early July (hopefully
> under my *new* CPAN ID "JAPHY").
> Once it is completed, I will be starting work on writing a subclass that
> matches Perl 6 regexes, Regexp::Perl6 (or Perl6::Regexp, or
> Perl6::Regexp::Parser).  I think this might be of some use to the Perl 6
> dev crew, but I'm not sure how.

Sounds interesting, but I'm a bit confused about what it is. Clearly,
it parses regexes, but what is the output? A parse tree? Tables and/or
code that implement a matching engine for that regex? PIR? A training
regimen that can be used to condition a monkey to push a "yes" or "no"
button whenever you give it a banana with an input string inscribed on

If it just parses the regex, then I would be interested in it for both
languages/regex and languages/perl6. If it does more, then you're on
your own, because it's been difficult enough to graft the current
regex engine onto the languages/perl6 code; I have no problems with
someone doing the same for a different engine, but I'm not going to be
the one!

Also, I find that regex stack overflows can sometimes trigger the
monkey to begin wildly throwing feces, and I've no desire to
experience that again.

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