The Perl 6 Summary for the six days ending 2004-08-06
    Another short week and the rollover point is now set to Friday nights in
    preparation for September when I'll almost certainly not have weeknights
    free. (Of course, I don't expect the summary will be coming out any
    earlier in the week through August, what with Saltburn Folk Festival
    this coming weekend, EuroFoo the weekend after and Towersey Folk
    Festival the weekend after that.

    Just for a change, we'll start with the discussions in perl6-language.

Meanwhile, in perl6-internals
  ICU Outdated
    Unicode is evil I tell you. Necessary, but evil. If ever there was an
    essential piece of technology that was absolutely guaranteed to annoy
    everyone then Unicode is probably it.

    The Unicode issue this week was the ongoing discussion of what to do
    about ICU. It's huge, it's in C++ and Dan maintains we can't do without
    it (unless some kind soul were to implement a Unicode library with all
    of ICU's features and fewer of its annoyances -- now there's a
    postgraduate task for the interested).

    Dan's plan is:

    1   Make Configure detect and use a system ICU, if available

    2   Dan will spec out encoding and charset APIs for loadable encoding
        and charset modules

    3   Parrot gets fixed to use those APIs

    4   Add support for non-Unicode encodings and charsets

    5   Make ICU a loadable module tied into the encodings and charset API

    6   Profit!

    This puts Dan smack on the Critical Path, but what's new?

    Matt Kennedy announced the initial release of a new Parrot based
    language called Span. And very lovely it looks too (Think Smalltalk
    meats Block structured languages and wins), if only I could get it to
    compile on my Panther installation.

  Executable AST
    In an intriguing post, Leo announced that Parrot's now running code
    directly from a (Python) Abstract Syntax Tree description. The post is
    light on details, but big on potential.

    Dan announced that he'd committed a DESIGN_TODO file to the repository
    with brief details of what he thinks needs working on. He also posted a
    short term roadmap of things to deal with in the near future and very
    interesting it looks too (he reckons we should be able to get
    serializable continuations working, which would be rather cool).

  PMC Basics
    Leo posted a list of issues with how PMCs work. Warnock applies.

  Starting to make things final
    Dan pointed at the efforts of Piethon and the 'PHP on Parrot' people and
    at Span and declared that we're at the point where things that are in
    and implemented should be documented and fixed and that things that are
    in flux should 'un-flux and get fixed'. He sketched the road to 0.2.0,
    0.2.1 and thence to 0.3.0. The idea is that 0.2.0 (or 0.2.1) will be a
    'complete' stable, good enough platform for language developers. Which
    will be nice.

    Oh, there's going to be a compiler writer's list (probably
    parrot-compilers) spun off from perl6-internals (which will probably
    become parrot-internals). Names are slightly undecided at present (but I
    will aim to cover both lists in my summaries).

  Declaring MMD subs from PASM/PIR
    He who must not be capitalized, chromatic, wondered about declaring
    parrot subroutines that participate in multiple dispatch. He outlined a
    scheme that Dan had suggested (presumably at OSCON) and asked for
    comments. Leo and Dan discussed it further, but I don't think anything's
    final yet.

  Everything Parrot
    Documents maestro Michael Scott posted the beginnings of a subject
    overview for Parrot. He asked people to point out any bits and pieces
    he'd missed.

  A testimonial and a question
    Andrew Rodland delurked to say nice things about Parrot ("pretty smooth
    stuff") and to ask if there was a handy list 'It Would Be Nice If...'
    tasks that newcomers could get started on without having to dive
    straight into hacking the core. Simon Glover pointed at the TODO list.
    He suggested that you can't have too many tests and that writing tests
    can be a good way of getting a handle on what the core does (or is
    supposed to do).

    Reading tests can be a good way of getting a handle on what the core
    does too, of course.

  The new Perl 6 Compiler pumpking
    Dan announced that Patrick Michaud stepped up to the plate and taken
    charge of getting the Perl 6 compiler module written. Welcome Patrick,
    and the very best of luck.

    Leon Brocard asked Patrick what his plan of attack was. No reply so far.

  Spilling problems
    The thing about writing naive compilers for naive languages is you end
    up with rather large Parrot subroutines. Dan's work project is
    generating ~6000 line subs. Which shouldn't be a problem, but it seems
    that IMCC's register spilling algorithm is getting itself into a
    horrible tangle. Dan suggested thumping the register spilling code to
    fall back to a fairly stupid scheme when the 'optimal' algorithm runs
    into problems. Leo's working on it, but it's not easy. Any help
    gratefully received.

  Anyone up for a big challenge?
    Dan pointed everyone at TinyCOBOL, a GNU COBOL compiler. He suggested
    that using Parrot as a way to migrate legacy COBOL apps would qualify as
    a Good Thing. So, if anyone would care to rejig TinyCOBOL to target
    parrot for a grateful world...

    Anyone? Bueller?

    Actually, it looks like Tim Howell is working on it.

  Syntax highlighting
    Taking the bit well and truly between his teeth, former lurker Andrew
    Rodland posted a bunch of patches to improve syntax highlighting of
    Parrot code in vi. Of course, I use Emacs, so it's no good to me, but
    still, it's good to see.

  "spawn", meet "exec"
    Possibly because there's no superhero called Exec, Dan overlooked it
    when he added a "spawn" opcode. So he's fixed that. It works like you'd
    expect. He asked for help to make it work nicely in Windows. Brent
    Royal-Gordon, Aaron Sherman and Jonathan Worthington rallied round.

  Looking for a hardware donation
    If you've been reading this summary for any length of time, you'll be
    aware that Leo writes rather a lot of code. But he writes it on an x86
    Linux system with GCC which, as Dan pointed out, is 'possibly the most
    forgiving development environment on the planet, even with full
    warnings', which can be problematic when people with other systems do a
    "cvs update".

    So, the Perl Foundation is organizing a drive to get Leo something nice
    and Unixy but less forgiving to use for local portability testing. If
    you can help, either Leo or The Perl Foundation would be very pleased to
    hear from you.

Announcements, Apologies, Acknowledgements
    Tcha! Wouldn't you know it, as soon as I decide that Luke Palmer will
    join the ranks of the monomonikered, he clams up. Bah!

    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of
    Perl. You might also like to send feedback or contributions to a
    'getting Piers to OSCON 2005' fund to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- The Perl Foundation -- Perl 6 Development site

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