According to Larry Wall:
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 12:27:36PM -0700, Jeff Clites wrote:
> : Ha, I'm sure it could probably be done, but of course "most" of what 
> : the shell does it invoke other programs, so in the common case it still 
> : wouldn't give you portability to non-Unix-like platforms.
> Just translate it to a language that has most of Unix semantics built-in. :-)

Unless I've lost the thread of this discussion, that won't work.
Microparrot can't be built with e.g. a call to readlink(), because the
(non-)existence of readlink() is exactly the kind of thing that must
be probed for.
Chip Salzenberg               - a.k.a. -              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "I don't really think it is a question of bright people and dumb
  people, but rather people who can see the game they're playing and
  those who can't." -- Joe Cosby

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