Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 11:25:49AM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>> Short version: an installed Parrot is now able to locate its ICU data.
>> The longer story: During "make" a new file src/parrot_config.c is
>> created holding currently just one entry: the install --prefix directory.
>> During string_init that directory is stat()ed and when the *directory*
>> exists, ICU data are set to $prefix/blib/lib/icu/2.6.1/foo.

> I don't think that this logic as currently implemented is correct. If I
> build parrot as:

> perl  --prefix=`echo ~/test/foo` && make all test

> then all the tests pass (because ~/test/foo doesn't exist)

> If I touch ~/test/foo then many many tests fail.

Yep. That's how it is working now and what I've documented above.

> I think that the stat needs to be on the ICU data file (or at least its
> directory)

Basically yes. But testing for the ICU data file needs more config
support (there are at least two flavors of data files: big & little
endian). Testing the data directory moved the (un)logic just a bit down
the tree.

What we really need is a means to express that Parrot is installed and
should use the --prefix directory tree or just not.

> Currently, if you want to install to /usr/local and /usr/local already exists
> then make test will fail.

You don't want to use --prefix=/usr/local - that clutters up /usr/local
itself. Another TODO item.

> Secondly, the ICU data shouldn't be down .../blib/lib once installed, should
> it?

Probably not. The current installer basically just duplicates the source
directory structure.

> ... but they get installed in some
> other location with a name built from perl's architecture string, so that
> multiple architectures' files can co-exist on one filesystem.

Well, that is the default: /usr/local/parrot-0.1.1/

>> Using the same strategy for Parrot libs and includes (from
>> runtime/parrot) could be a bit problematic: if Parrot got installed
>> once, these files would always come from the installed directory, even
>> when a newer version is in the build directory as long as the Parrot
>> version is the same.

> The convention for perl5's tests isn't quite settled yet, but it seems to be
> evolving to PERL_CORE being in the environment for the test scripts, and the
> scripts setting @INC explicity.


> Can ICU be told to find its data files elsewhere via an environment variable
> override? Should we provide one?

ICU itself seems to have a getenv() override, Parrot checks
PARROT_ICU_DATA_DIR. But I don't want to have separate settings for
ICU. One environment variable ought to be enough.

> Nicholas Clark


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