 in the parrot distribution I would like to have the first line from
 the file parrot-0.1.1/languages/perl6/perl6 from
#! perl
 changed to
use lib '/parrot_source_dir/parrot-0.1.1/languages/perl6';
 So that /usr/bin/perl reflect the perl 5 executable and
 /parrot_source_dir/parrot-0.1.1/languages/perl6 is the
 place of the perl6 directory. So that I can execute the perl6
 program from every place.
 There for I created the two files in the parrot distribution:
#! perl -w
package Configure::Step;
use strict;
use vars qw($description @args);
use Cwd qw(cwd);
use Parrot::Configure::Step ':gen';
$description="Generating perl6 file...";
sub runstep {
  Configure::Data->set(cwd => cwd());
  genfile('config/gen/perl6.in', 'languages/perl6/perl6');
  chmod 0755, 'languages/perl6/perl6';
  and the file config/gen/perl6.pl
use lib '${cwd}${slash}languages${slash}perl6';
# perl6 driver:  parse assemble compile and run .p6 files
...  the original contents follows
In the file lib/Parrot/Configure/RunSteps.pm I add after the line 63:
So that the generation will be executed.
Would you add this to the distribution.
  Best wishes,
    Gerd Pokorra

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