At 03:49 PM 4/13/2005, BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:

I'm not a UNIX guru, but I don't know an easily installable solution for the problem. I would like to run just one Apache, and would like to run Perl as an Apache module. Chroot I think is not a solution for it. Running the script as CGI or running as much Apaches as much client you have is not a solution for me and for a lot of people. PHP offer an easy way to solve this problem.

You obviously are talking about a web hosting environment with multiple applications and customers.

I did not mean that chroot() was the solution, it is however part of the solution on the UNIX
environment if you want proper security.

Perl was the most famous web development environment some year ago, today PHP is that. I think one of

I disagree. How do you support that blanket statement?

I don't have any customers using PHP, they either use Java (some J2EE container, Oracle, BEA, Websphere, Tomcat) or they use Perl (CGI or mod-perl), etc.

I agree with your statement if you are talking about small web-site hosting. 30 bucks a month
for a website and you host 100 sites on a single shared server. PHP has a large share of that market,
but for medium to large complexity apps, specifically commercial enterprise apps, PHP has
very little presence. The marketing dollars are all behind Java and .NET.

I guess it just goes to show we all swim in different ponds.

Anyway, I did not mean to start a tangent, I want to see PHP run well on Parrot so we can
agree on that.


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