On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 17:01, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> So here's what I was thinking of for Parrot's security and quota 
> model. (Note that none of this is actually *implemented* yet...)
> It's actually pretty straightforward, the hard part being the whole 
> "don't screw up when implementing" thing, along with designing the 
> base set of privs. Personally I think taking the VMS priv and quota 
> system as a base is a good way to go -- it's well-respected and 
> well-tested, and so far as I know theoretically sound. Unix's priv 
> model's a lot more primitive, and I don't think it's the one to take. 
> (We could invent our own, but history shows that people who invent 
> their own security system invent ones that suck, so that looks like 
> something worth avoiding)

VMS at least *is* a priv-based security model, but VMS privs are not
appropriate for parrot on the whole.

That said, it's been 10+ years since I've touched VMS, so pardon as I go
and Google the priv list....

Privs that make sense for Parrot without change:

   ALL       Allow all privileges.
   DETACH    Create detached processes.
   EXQUOTA   Exceed resource quotas.
   SETPRV    Grant a process any privilege.
   SHMEM     Create or delete data structures in shared memory.
   SYSGBL    Create system global sections.
   SYSLCK    Request locks on system resources.

Privs that make no sense at all for Parrot (as far as I can tell):

   ACNT      Create a process for which no accounting is performed.
   BUGCHK    Make bugcheck error log entries.
   CMEXEC    Change mode to Executive.
   CMKRNL    Change mode to Kernel.
   DIAGNOSE  Issue diagnostic I/O requests.
   GRPNAM    Enter names in the group logical name table.
   GRPPRV    Allow access to files in the group and system
   MOUNT     Issue mount volume I/O requests.
   PHY_IO    Issue physical I/O requests.
   PRMCEB    Create permanent common event flag clusters.
   PRMGBL    Create permanent global clusters.
   PSWAPM    Change process swap mode.
   SHARE     Assign a channel to a device.
   SYSNAM    Enter names in the system logical name table.
   TMPMBX    Create temporary mailbox devices.
   VOLPRO    Override protection on a volume.
   WORLD     Control the execution of any process on the system.

Privs that could make sense, but have different meanings:

   ALLSPOOL  Allocate spooled devices.
                This means you can create new handles
   ALTPRI    Increase the base execution priority for any process.
                change to: Allow QUOTA modification
   BYPASS    Access resources without regard to UIC protection.
                This means ignore my privs and just do it (default)
   GROUP     Control execution of other processes in the same group.
                This is interp-to-interp control (e.g. kill my sibling)
   LOG_IO    Issue logical I/O requests.
                if we assume that this means any handle I/O
   NETMBX    Create a network device.
                This just means "allocate any network resource (e.g. socket)"
   OPER      Perform system operator functions.
                In VMS this was fuzzy, and referred to any operation
                that told the OS that it required OPER (like running
                certain tools). I'm not sure what this means for
                Parrot that BYPASS does not....
   PFNMAP    Create or delete sections mapped by page frame.
                Allocate new PMCs
   PRMMBX    Create permanent mailbox devices.
                Create "special" files of any sort (e.g. POSIX fifo)
   SECURITY  Perform security-related functions.
   SYSPRV    Access resources as if the process has a system UIC.

Privs that do not exist in VMS:

        NEWPBC  Execute new Parrot Byte Code at run-time
        DEBUG   Perform operations only appropriate for a debugger
        GCDOD   Directly manage GC/DOD behavior
        NONREL  Create I/O handles from non-relative locaters
                (e.g. open a rooted path; possibly applicable to
                URI interpretation also)
        DLOAD   Dynamically load binary objects
        PLOAD   Dynamically load Parrot byte code (bypass NEWPBC)
                This allows a PVM to load an existing PBC module and
                execute it, but not to create its own PBC at run-time.

I think it would be easier to start from scratch, personally. I
understand your concerns, but I don't think you run any less risk by
creating a new VM security model out of an OS security model than you do
by creating a new one. They both create many opportunities to make a

If you really want to reduce the chances that you'll make a mistake,
swipe the security model from JVM or CLR and start with that. At least
those have been tested in the large, and map closer to what Parrot wants
to do than VMS.

Don't get me wrong. I loved VMS back in the day. It was a pain in the
ass at times, but what isn't. It's just that it's not a VM trying to
execute byte-code... it's an operating system which directly manages

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

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