
On 9/22/05, Jonathan Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Roger Browne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you do tweak the signature for the packfile format, I suggest you
> > take a leaf out of the PNG specification and ensure that the signature
> > will robustly detect common errors such as byte order transpositions,
> > CRLF-to-newline mappings (e.g. when binary files are FTPd using ASCII
> > mode), etc.
> >
> > See section 12.11 of the PNG specification:
> >
> >
> Interesting, thanks - they make some good suggestions there.  Our current
> magic number is "13155a1" - I'm unsure of the rationale behind it, but there
> may be a reason.  If we're going to change the packfile format, we may as
> well make sure we're squeezing whatever use we can out of our magic number.
> "Mark A. Biggar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> >
> >> a) live with it
> >> b) change the magic number to be two identical bytes so the byte
> >>    ordering doesn't matter
> >> c) shrink the magic number to be a single byte
> >
> When I talked about doing something endian-independent, I meant something
> along the lines of store a sequence of, say, 4 bytes that will have certain
> values.  Forget reading the 4 bytes as an int at all, read it as a char[4]
> and check each element is what it should be.  Makes adding support to "file"
> easy enough, and is my preferred solution.
> > d) use a magic number that can also be used as the byte order indicator.
> >
> Clever, though not sure it helps with writing something to independently
> identify a Parrot packfile, if it can be one of a number of things (though I
> guess in this case, one of only two things - unless there's some insane
> ordering scheme I've not heard of).

I have seen architectures that swap byte ordering for 8 byte things
(like doubles) but not 4 byte things.  So that gives 3 options and
requires an 8 byte magic number if you want to do it that way.

"Computer Science is merely the post-Turing Decline of Formal Systems Theory."
-Stan Kelly-Bootle, The Devil's DP Dictionary

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