hi all,

Im interested to know how perl6/parrot implements threads. Im mainly interested as im writing a small vm of my own. Not a production vm like parrot, more for interest/curiosity etc. From the outset i decided i wanted the vm to provide its own threading mechanism i.e. not based on posix threads for example. My first plan was to have 2 native threads, one for execution of the main 'core' execution code the runtime if you like, the other thread was used to tell the execution code to swap threads. I thought i could synchronise these 2 using native semaphores. When it comes down to it a single op code takes a number of nastive instructions i.e. to execute an add insttuction i may have to do (say) 5 things. so I just check after each op code has been executed to see if the thread needs swapping out. That seems like a bad idea mainly due to speed/efficiency. Each thread is a top level object, so the stack, all stack pointers and register data etc resides in the thread, but i still cant have the execution engine swapping threads mid operation, so in my add example i still dont think i would want the execution engine swapping out a thread after 3 instructions, it would need to complete all 5.

Its been a bit of a brick wall this, it seemed to be going quite well up to this point and i need to solve this before i can move on with lwm,(light weight machine).

Any pointers, thoughts or comments are welcome.



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