On Jul 14, 2006, at 4:56 AM, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 23:41 schrieb Kay-Uwe Huell:

Hi parrot,

unfortunatly you fail when I call your accept() op. I have fixed this
issue with attached patch.

The Parrot documentation can now be accessed at http:// localhost:1234 .
   accept: errno=22unknown method:''

I don't get that error and I can't see, why changing the (not-reached)
diagnostic might fix accept.

The httpd.pir has different problems, though, which seem to be



I also don't experience this error but instead for me httpd.pir fails at bind() [see RT #39738] on Darwin and FreeBSD. On which platform does accept() fail for you? Which C compiler are you using? I agree with Leo that your patch looks suspicious. If you are right that just adding that diagnostic really does fix it, then it sounds like a compiler bug that needs to be reported, or at least documented.


P.S. I've been working on some small improvements to httpd.pir, including better failure diagnostics. Please contact me off-list for a patch if you are interested.

Chris Dolan, Software Developer, http://www.chrisdolan.net/
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