On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 10:29:52PM -0500, Chris Dolan wrote:
> On Aug 1, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> >While I'd been hoping that M::B had a public method for changing  
> >'blib'
> >this appears not to be the case (just looking at the pod).  If this
> >functionality were added we could have the root makefile invoke each
> >module as `perl Build.PL --blib [buildroot/somedir]`, use that path  
> >for
> >runtime testing, and still let M::B handle the packages own
> >installation.  I admit this scheme is a little hackish but it avoids
> >having to do a custom setup for each bundled package.  Thoughts?
> That syntax works:
>   % perl Build.PL --blib=foobar
>   Checking whether your kit is complete...
>   Looks good
>   Checking prerequisites...
>   Looks good
>   Creating new 'Build' script for 'FLV-Info' version '0.11'
>   % ./Build
>   lib/FLV/File.pm -> foobar/lib/FLV/File.pm
>   ...
>   % perl -MModule::Build -le'print Module::Build->VERSION'
>   0.2801
> This also works:
>   my $mb = Module::Build->new(
>      ...
>   );
>   $mb->blib('foobar');
>   $mb->create_build_script;

Well, I guess that's what I get for reading the documentation instead of
the code. ;)



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