Am Montag, 23. Oktober 2006 18:31 schrieb Jonathan Worthington:
> >   1,5) same + range of indices
> >  
> Will a dynamic character set or encoding library that we load not
> possibly contain more than one character set or encoding and therefore
> need a range of indices too? I have gone with this for now.

Indeed. We should just use the generalization i.e. a range of indices for all 

> Please can you also expand a little on what a HLL resource is? I thought
> this was just a dynamic PMC library but where some of those PMCs get
> used in place of some built-ins, such as Integer using Perl6Integer
> instead or something like this?

It's a HLL name, the shared lib, and an array of type mappings. See also 


   @HLL_info = [
     [ hll_name, hll_lib, { core_type => HLL_type, ... }, namespace ],

The namespace is added at runtime.


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